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CFP® professionals are required to complete an approved CFP Board Ethics program every two years. Ethics programs are renewed annually with the curriculum valid for a 2-year cycle. CFP Board assumes responsibility for updating the learning objectives and content for each program cycle.

CE Sponsors interested in offering a CFP Board Ethics program must follow the instructions for requesting CFP Board’s Ethics curriculum. CFP Board will review each request before providing the CE Sponsor with the link, made available through the CE Sponsor Portal, to review and download course materials.

Ethics CE Program Requirements

Once the program request is marked as Accepted, the Program Guide, course materials and resource documents will be accessible via a link in the CE Sponsor Portal. Specifically you will have access to:

  • Comprehensive presentation with Instructor Notes organized to Best Practice specifications
    • PowerPoint can be co-branded for Live presentations as long as it maintains the CFP Board masthead on each slide
    • PowerPoint content can be co-branded and designed to suite the online format as long as it maintains the CFP Board logo on each content page
  • Course Activities
    • Required Exercise
    • Polling Questions
    • Case Studies
  • Instructions for accessing and using Kahoot! for online polling (Live programs)
  • Assessment Questions (online courses)
    • Question Pool for each Learning Objective
    • Correct response with explanation
  • Instructor Package (Live programs)
The PowerPoint must maintain the CFP Board branding, masthead and official course title. Sponsors can provide the program a sub-title and otherwise provide their branding information in the footer of the presentation. All slide content must be covered. It is an expectation that all Ethics programs will involve an interactive component with a choice of cases studies and polling activities properly inserted as part of each learning objective. Only pre-approved content can be used.
  • For the purposes of Ethics, self-study will be defined as follows:
    • Program curriculum is offered online through a Learning Management System of the Sponsor’s choice;
    • Required forced progression through the content and completion of all activities before access is given to the final assessment;
    • Activities, and question randomization on the assessment will be incorporated into the program design;
    • A summary of correct assessment responses will be viewable after a passing score is achieved; and
    • After three (3) consecutive unsuccessful assessment attempts the student will be required to retake the program and/or there will be a pre-determined waiting period.
  • The CE Sponsor agrees to incorporate any curriculum updates provided by CFP Board within 30 days of receipt.
  • The CE Sponsor will aggressively promote and encourage completion of an online program evaluation for Live Ethics CE; Sponsors offering Self-Study Ethics will require participants to complete the program evaluation before providing access to the Certificate of Completion.
  • CFP Board will audit courses:
    • All self-study Ethics programs will be audited before their go-live date. Any deficiencies and/or required changes must be made before the program will be accepted.
    • Secret Shoppers may audit Live Ethics programs.
  • CFP Board reserves the right to require program changes; additional instructor training and/or replacement based on the results of these audits and the program evaluations. CFP Board will share audit results and Live program evaluations with the Sponsor in a timely manner.

CE Sponsors will identify the instructor(s) presenting Ethics in a Live format at the time of program submission. CFP Board requires a minimum of 14 days to complete the Instructor verification process. CE Sponsors will be responsible for ensuring their instructors meet and follow thru on the following requirements before they lead an Ethics program.

  1. Have a current status of Certified, with all renewal and other fees paid in full;
  2. I am currently certified and have been continually certified as a CFP® professional for at least five years or I am a CFP Board Emeritus™ member;
  3. Have no cases pending investigation by CFP Board or any federal or state regulator;
  4. Not have been the subject of a CFP Board disciplinary action (i.e. private censure, public letter of admonition, or suspension) within the past five years;
  5. Participate in a live Instructor Training webinar and,
  6. Complete and submit the Instructor attestation