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News Release

Generation x – Building a Solid Foundation in the Nesting Years

September 13, 2010

CFP Board Presents Second Phase of “Lifelong Financial Strategies: 25 Tips over 25 Weeks”

WASHINGTON, DC, September 13, 2010 — Thinking of starting a family or buying a house? You need to have a plan, and you need to make smart financial decisions that benefit you today and position you for success in the future. That’s the message to Generation X from Eleanor Blayney, CFP®, the consumer advocate for Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.

Members of Generation X, those between the ages of 25 and 40, are now making big life decisions – on everything from buying a house to getting married to starting a family. These choices will affect them for the rest of their lives.

“The Nesting Years” is the second segment of CFP Board’s Lifelong Financial Strategies initiative, part of the non-profit’s ongoing 25th anniversary commemoration. This segment focuses on those years in which many working adults build a home base, and establish the security and stability that will support their aspirations and those of the people they care about.

“Wise decisions in our nesting years provide stability now, and a better chance of realizing personal and family goals later on in life,” Blayney said. “This stage is about thinking like a responsible adult, about becoming a provider – not just in terms of earnings, but also in terms of taking care of the needs of loved ones.”

Tips for this phase, which focuses on people 25-40 years of age, cover such topics as:

The content is being delivered over multiple platforms. Blayney introduces these concepts in videos, gives a lesson on an audio podcast and provides detailed advice in tip sheets. All presentations for each phase can be found on CFP Board’s web site at and the consumer advocate page on Facebook. Videos are available on YouTube in addition to other social media Web sites.

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