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Two New “Extreme” Banner Ads Join Public Awareness Campaign

April 02, 2015

Two new “extreme” online banner ads are featured on popular websites like CBS Sports, Food & Wine, The Atlantic, Digital Trends, and more!  The "Tightrope" & "Kayak" online banner ads, along with the "Shark Diver" ad released earlier this year, highlight that financial planning without a certified professional is risky business indeed.

View these banners as part of the online toolkit for CFP® Professionals.

The Public Awareness Campaign, now beginning its fifth year, combines advertising, marketing and public relations initiatives through a mix of television, print and online advertising appearing in national outlets, and sponsorship messages on National Public Radio and ESPN Radio. The campaign made a significant impact on Americans’ awareness of CFP® certification and the value of working with CFP® professionals. Unaided awareness among the target audience saw a dramatic 6 percentage point increase in 2014, according to a brand tracking study conducted by IPSOS. Since the campaign began in 2011, unaided awareness among the target audience has increased 13 percentage points – going from 17 to 30 percent.