Results of 2015 Brand Tracking Study: Public Awareness Campaign Is Working!
Results of our latest brand tracking study demonstrate that CFP Board’s public awareness campaign is making a significant impact on consumer awareness of CFP® certification. The 2015 study finds that unaided awareness of CFP® certification has doubled among the target audience since the campaign’s launch in 2011, with a 4 percentage point increase since 2014. For the first time, consumers are as likely to mention CFP® certification as CPA when asked to name a professional who offers personal financial planning services.
The campaign’s focus remains on increased awareness, and we’re also seeing increases in preference for and intent to use a CFP® professional, 52 percent say they prefer CFP® certification, up 5 points over last year and a 30 percentage point increase since 2011. 52 percent of the target audience also say they intend to use someone who has CFP® certification – up 6 points over 2014 or a 22 percentage point increase since 2011. More than 69 percent of the campaign’s target audience say they would insist their financial planner have the CFP® certification.
Download a summary of the 2015 Brand Tracking Study
Public Awareness Campaign Toolkit
CFP® professionals can take advantage of our Public Awareness Campaign Toolkit of resources by using them in their local communities to extend the reach of the campaign.
In addition to the 2015 media schedule and highlights from the campaign’s progress, the toolkit includes customizable versions of the campaign’s print ads, online banner ads for websites and online platforms, a social media guide with sample posts, and sample letters for communicating with current and prospective clients.