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Financial Planning Competency Handbook: Second Edition

September 18, 2015

CFP Board's Financial Planning Competency Handbook is the essential reference for those at any stage of the CFP® certification process, as well as a one-stop resource for practitioners looking to better serve their clients.

Financial Planning Competency Handbook 2nd EditionThis fully updated second edition contains more than 90 chapters on the profession’s core body of knowledge, and features new case studies, links to new instructional videos, brand new content on connections diagrams, and a new section devoted to the interdisciplinary nature of financial planning. You’ll gain insights from diverse fields like psychology, behavioral finance, communication, and marriage and family therapy that help you better connect with and guide your clients. Comprehensive, clear, and detailed,Financial Planning Competency Handbook, Second Edition guides you from student to practitioner, and is a reference that should be in every smart financial planner’s library.

CFP® professionals can also obtain 28 CE credit hours by taking and passing the online test that’s accessible using the free PIN code found at the back of the book.

Order the Financial Planning Competency Handbook from CFP Board through your online CFP Board account (access your account, and go to the “Online Store” tab to order.)

The Handbook can also be ordered from your favorite bookseller and is available in electronic format for iBooks, Kindle and Nook.

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