Spring 2017 Public Awareness Campaign
We are pleased to announce that the Spring 2017 campaign is on the air. This year, as in the past, our primary advertising and communications efforts focus on the spring tax season, when finances are top of mind among consumers.
Here are highlights of our spring 2017 Public Awareness Campaign activities:
- TV: February 13-April 16 – Our “DJ” TV ad and “Faucet” will air on national cable television networks including CNN, NBC Sports, Golf Channel, Fox News and MSNBC among many other. For a full schedule of where and when to see the ads, click here.
- Radio: March 13-April 9 – Radio ads and sponsorship messages will air on popular NPR shows such as “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered,” as well as ESPN's “Mike & Mike” radio show and TV simulcast.
- Online: Throughout the spring – Online banner ads and online videos will display on popular websites where consumers get news and information about current events, finances, sports and entertainment. Look for the ads on the websites of Time, Money, Fortune, Travel & Leisure, Food & Wine, People and Golf.
- Social Media: Throughout the spring and the year – We are continuing our activities on social media and will be advertising on Facebook and Twitter to share tips about finances and encourage use of our “Find a CFP® professional” tool.
All of the campaign’s advertisements and communications lead to our consumer website, LetsMakeAPlan.org, where consumers can find financial planning information based on where they are in life and search for and contact a CFP® professional. The website continuously is updated with new content every Wednesday with blog posts written by our new Senior CFP Board Ambassador, Jill Schlesinger, CFP® and our dedicated team of CFP Board Ambassadors.