New Exam Preparation Toolkit Supports CFP® Candidates Through Pathway to Certification
Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. today released its CFP® Exam Candidate Preparation Toolkit to help candidates develop study strategies, manage time and build support from employers and peers as they prepare for the CFP® Exam. The toolkit release coincides with the opening of registration for the November 2017 CFP® Exam.
“We set a high bar for candidates who take the CFP® certification exam. But some candidates go into the process unaware of the resources available to them, or they feel undue anxiety about the challenge of achieving CFP® certification,” said John Loper, CFP®, Managing Director of Professional Practice. “This toolkit demystifies the exam and helps candidates start their journey on the right foot.”
Created with feedback from CFP® professionals, the CFP® Exam Candidate Preparation Toolkit comprises three sections. The first, “Charting Your Path to CFP® Certification,” shows career growth prospects and advantages CFP® professionals have over their competitors in the financial planning profession. The second section, “Create a Supportive Learning Environment,” shows how candidates can call on employers for training, financial support and the work-life balance necessary to study for the exam. The final section, “Develop a Test Strategy,” discusses the topic areas of the CFP® Exam and suggests methods of study that play to the strengths of different learning styles.