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Recorded Webinar: Proposed Revisions to CFP Board’s Standards of Professional Conduct

August 15, 2017

In this recorded  webinar, CFP Board’s General Counsel, Leo Rydzewski, reviews proposed revisions to CFP Board’s Standards of Professional Conduct that were recently released for a 60-day public comment period that ends August 21, 2017. CFP Board's standards for ethics and practice are an essential part of the CFP® certification and an important element of the public's trust and confidence in CFP® professionals. 

The draft proposal is a significant revision to the Standards with a range of important changes, including broadening the application of the fiduciary standard for CFP® professionals – effectively requiring CFP® professionals to put a client's interest first at all times. CFP Board recently held a series of public forums in cities across the country to discuss the proposed revised Standards. This webinar is intended to provide those who weren't able to join us at the public forums an opportunity to learn more about the proposed revisions, ask questions and share feedback on the proposed Standards. 

View the webinar